The Magical Fat Burning Pill is Here!!
Ah.The age-old adage of finding a pill that can do the work for you.
This, my friends, is a thought process that should leave your repertoire.
There is no magic pill, no magic way, no magic food that will take the place of the hard work that needs to be put in so you can achieve the results you want.
Of course, I cannot force or make you do something you don’t want to do, but I CAN provide you with information so you can make an informed decision on what you put in your body.
Ultimately, the decision is yours to make, but a little education goes a long way.
Most modern drug therapies can be dated back to 1933 when the FDA approved a drug that contained amphetamine. There was much controversy behind this, not because of the drug itself, but because the FDA’s acting medical director was also a consultant to the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association.
Shortly after, the council withdrew its approval of the medication due to a lack of evidence to support the claims and potential harm associated with use (Onakpoya, Heneghan & Aronson, 2016).
Moving towards more modern times, we understand that the foundation built around amphetamine for weight loss has severe side effects.
Several additional drugs that have been placed on the market for consumer purchases have been withdrawn for adverse reactions (Onakpoya, Heneghan & Aronson, 2016).
Do you see a trend with ‘weight loss medications?’
They have a long history of being plagued with chemicals that can affect several neuromuscular transmitters and cardiovascular tissue. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out you need your brain and heart to survive.
Why would anyone put harmful chemicals in their body in hopes that it will interfere with their body’s normal mechanism?
Just so we can appease our vanity?
This isn’t just my opinion.
This is the opinion of many healthcare providers nationwide. These pills can affect our metabolism, how food is digested, cause psychiatric and cardiovascular harm, and dependence issues.
Let’s take a step back from what I just wrote and take a deep breath.
Do you really want to put something this harmful into your body because you think it will do the hard work of losing weight for you?
This is another reason to ask questions, be accountable for what you put inside your body (after all you only have one), educate yourself on the possible implications of your actions, and seek expert opinions when it comes to something you don’t know.
It is okay to ask for help when needed.
Any respectable professional should take the time to educate you and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.
Onakpoya, I. J., Heneghan, C. J., & Aronson, J. K. (2016). Post-marketing withdrawal of anti-obesity medicinal products because of adverse drug reactions: a systematic review. BMC Medicine, 14(1), 191.