Protein: The Goldilocks Food
Protein is one of these conversations where a vast majority of people are deficient and lack the understanding of why it is such an important macronutrient.
Unfortunately, the standard American diet (SAD) is chock-full of empty carbohydrates and little to no protein sources.
Even worse, the FDA seems to have been pushing a certain ideology that we need a diet primarily filled with whole grains, moderate protein, and minimal fats.
News flash, we are the fattest country in the world because we followed that ideology.
It is time to shift gears and understand why protein is so beneficial in reducing cardiovascular disease and virtually eliminating diabetes.
My Protein Is Too Low
Because our diet is heavily made up of empty carbohydrates, it leaves us wanting MORE.
Don’t be fooled. This is 100% by design.
The food companies arent dumb. They are a business and are in the business to sell their product. Unfortunately, they don’t care at what cost.
A diet in empty high carbohydrates tricks our body into thinking we are full by getting this large amount of food in our stomach, however, once it is done digesting the heavily processed and artificial food, it asks the same question- “where are the nutrients?”
If it is not getting the nutrients it needs, it will trigger you to be hungry once more and search for food again.
What is even trickier is that the foods that are heavily processed and riddled with carbs taste damn good and hit our dopamine receptors that leave us wanting more and more.
You can start to see why this cycle becomes perpetual and diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis start to develop.
It is 100% a fallacy of our food quality and the ease of access to all the foods completely drenched in carbs.
I mean, the chicken from McDonald’s is so processed I don’t even think it can legally be called chicken anymore!
The food manufacturers are really damn good and removing any nutritional benefits and loading it with sodium and making it chemically taste delicious to where we are left wanting more.
It is the exact same premise as Las Vegas. All the flashy lights, fancy colors, and buildings, no windows on the casino floor to minimize daylight so you can get lost in the stimulus overload, no clocks so you can forget about time, constant feeding you of booze so you can literally lose self-control.
Businesses are in the business to make more business. They will stop at nothing to do so and don’t care or fear the repercussions unless it becomes a PR issue. Even then, their consciousness is fleeting.
The point is eating more protein is to get nutrient DENSE foods, feed our muscles, give us the energy we need to function throughout the day, maintain a healthy weight, and feel full!
If we feel full, the food manufacturers lose money because we aren’t gorging ourselves nonstop.
We can go back to eating three square meals a day, having a decent amount of growth hormone pulse in between our meals so we can utilize the nutrients we just consumed and continue to thrive as a species.
When was the last time that you read a textbook and learned that the Romans ate bread all day every day and were successful?
You didn’t because they ate meat, drank wine, had vegetables and fruit, and were active!
We are nothing like they were and we continue to fall to our demise as a society.
I can say with 100% certainty that a low protein diet is the root of chronic diseases and why we are so frail as a society with unbelievable amounts of prescription medications needed to maintain our shell of a healthy body.
My Protein Is Just Right
Much like I alluded to prior, we all have protein requirements that are needed to maintain body processes and functionality.
Protein breaks down into amino acids that work at the cellular level to give our body the nutrients it needs in our muscle tissues, brain, and internal organs.
Without it, we would simply perish.
There is not a single diet out there where no protein is sustainable because you would cease to exist.
I have said this before, even vegans know that protein is imperative to live. So why is everyone so quick to criticize protein consumption and think that it is only something bodybuilders do?
Let me let you in on a little secret. As musclebound dumb-dumbs you think they are, they are exquisitely technical when it comes to how to maximize body functionality.
Protein does not cause kidney damage. Protein does not cause gout. Protein does not make you constipated. Protein does not make you look like a roided out guy if you are a woman. Protein saves lives.
Protein saves lives by making you feel full so you don’t search for empty carbs like ice cream for dessert.
Protein saves lives by giving you enough energy throughout the day so you don’t need to rely on caffeine or other stimulants that can negatively impact your blood pressure and heart rate.
Protein saves lives by giving you a quality food source to build lean muscle mass. This is important because muscle mass is the best metabolic currency and allows us to age gracefully.
Protein saves lives by growing generational knowledge and building a strong family tree for your DNA to move forward.
Protein reduces cancer risk due to not eating the heavily processed, artificial foods that primarily make up our standard American diet.
Protein saves lives by reducing the development of diabetes because we know that is a disease from unhealthily high insulin levels to combat high blood sugar. We know that inflammation follows insulin, much like water follows salt.
To get the right amount of protein for your body type, simply eat your body weight in protein. It is not rocket science and just doing that will DRASTICALLY improve your quality of life.
If that is too much to start, try eating half your body weight in protein and gradually work your way up to your body weight.
Trust the process. You will feel better, feel more energized, lose weight, regain your libido, build muscle, and be able to come off of your medications.
My Protein Is Too High
That is just a stupid statement. There is no such thing.
I fear some will take what I said to heart and not be able to discern between sarcasm and reality.
Granted, I honestly do think there really is no amount of protein that is too much.
We always have to come back to the QUALITY of the foods we eat. If we are eating store-bought beef in excess, the QUALITY of that beef can be detrimental to our functionality.
However, if we are eating grass-fed and grass-finished beef/organs then that is a different picture.
Likewise, don’t tell me you get your protein from protein powders or protein bars because they are filled with crap and empty carbs to make it taste good.
You WILL run into problems if that is your only source of protein.
Cattle are not meant to eat soy and corn (which is what our farmers feed them to fatten them up to make more money). Cattle are meant to eat grass and graze the land. They have a fermentable gut for that purpose!
Drinking plenty of water, which we don’t do because our water sources are terrible, will also alleviate any concerns with “too much protein.”
Whether we have a high protein diet or not, we are still primarily made from water and need to drink water- not soda, energy drinks, teas, and coffee.
All good things will come with a diet of high protein. I can tell you that only bad things happen when we eat a diet with high carbs.
Again, we need carbs, but only in the form of fruits and vegetables. All other forms are bogus and absolutely not needed.
Get back to basics and eat foods that don’t have a nutritional label on them.
Simple is as simple does.
Be strong. Be brave.