Protein, Carbs, Fats- Macronutrients Unite!!
Well, there still seems to be some hubbub out there about why these three wise men are necessary and how can we manipulate them in our bodies to be beneficial for us.
These are all ESSENTIAL macronutrients that we need to consume on the regular, however, our Standard American Diet (SAD) is heavily skewed in two not-so-beneficial ones…
Let’s dive into what each of these fellas does and why we are directed in ways that ARENT beneficial to our well-being.
Does This Muffin Top Make Me Look Fat?
Fats are really important and many various processes throughout the human body.
They help our heartbeat, they provide energy, they help vitamins absorb, they help cells perform their daily functions, they protect our organs, keep our cholesterol and blood pressure and check, etc.
The list goes on and on.
Now the TYPES of fats are really important to pay attention to.
There are unsaturated fats, which break down into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, saturated fats, and trans fats.
Some examples of unsaturated fats include olives, peanuts, avocados, nuts, and seeds.
These are all GOOD types of fats!
Saturated fats include all the good stuff! Fatty beef, lamb, pork, poultry with skin, tallow, fish, and butter.
We know that transfats are BAD for us through many years of research. These can include fried foods, doughnuts, cakes, pies, biscuits, frozen pizza, cookies, crackers, margarine, etc.
Monounsaturated fats can be confusing because they are made from oils. You have to be careful what oils you buy, but watch out for the industrial seed oils like sunflower oil, canola oil, palm oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soy oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, and the like.
The oils I would use, and I do myself, are coconut, olive, and avocado.
What happens during industrial seed processing is many oxidative stress factors affect the molecule and change it chemically once ingested. These then create free radicals that damage the cell wall and wreak havoc on our organs.
Polyunsaturated fats fall under the same meh category that monounsaturated fats do. More seed oils that I would, honestly, just avoid.
To sum it all up, eat more saturated and unsaturated fats to keep us healthy and allowing our bodies to use them for a majority of our cellular processes.
Many cells are lipophilic which means they dissolve in fats. Lipophobic means the compounds are not soluble in fats and they don’t like it one bit!
In my humble opinion, I would stick with the healthy animal sources of fat. I would do this in a moderate fashion and I would certainly NEVER avoid any fat that comes from an animal.
If you think about it, did our ancestors meticulously cut off the animal fat from their kill and then search for a salad to pair it with?
Heck to the no, buddy.
That fat helped keep them full and allowed them to use those nutrients until the next kill.
Remember, food scarcity is not really a bad thing.
We are so inundated with trans fats, seed oils, and garbage that tastes great but has almost negative nutritional benefits.
It’s not our fault. We have followed the direction of the FDA and they have allowed us to get fat, have high blood pressure, develop diabetes and barely allow us to fit into our pants without oozing out of the top.
We need to end this madness and learn about what foods can help us stay healthy and out of the doctor’s office and hospitals!
Are You Jonesing For Some Carbs?
Here is the real kicker, though. Carbs are legit the downfall to our society.
Every. Single. Thing is literally carbs.
Don’t get all crazy on me yet, though. Not ALL carbs are bad!! We still need fruits and vegetables because they have a lot of COMPLIMENTARY micronutrients that we need!
Notice how I said COMPLIMENTARY MICRONUTRIENTS. There is a very valid reason for that.
Plants LACK many micronutrients and DO NOT HAVE macronutrients. They have one- carbohydrates. This is why a majority of individuals that go vegan or vegetarian end up ill due to MANY vitamin deficiencies and they lose muscle mass.
People love to say they are vegan, but can’t seem to lose the weight around the midsection, or build muscle even though they are killing it in the gym.
Do you know why?
I just told you why! They lack several MICRONUTRIENTS and contain just carbohydrates. Carbs ALONE will not help you build lean muscle mass because protein synthesis is needed for refueling the hypertrophic state of the muscle fibers.
Do you ever wonder why vegans go to great lengths to eat enough protein? I mean it’s pretty obvious, they know that protein is required to build lean muscle, however, they don’t want to eat it from animal sources.
Case closed.
Science has spoken and everyone knows that protein keeps us alive.
Now I totally get and respect if it’s due to moral and ethical issues, but just for the common joker out there that thinks eating a diet 100% of carbs is good for them…this is why they feel terrible, lack muscle, and can’t shed the weight.
Just think about nature. Any animal that is at the top of its food chain does NOT eat a diet of vegetables. They eat animal protein to survive. It is instinctual and common sense.
I can’t tell you how many people come into my office and tell me they eat a diet full of fruits and veggies (like we were told to do by the FDA) and they can’t figure out why they don’t feel good.
Without even doing blood tests (I always do), changing their diets always proves the results they are searching for.
Eat high protein (at least your body weight), moderate fats, and then minimal carbs to complement the macronutrients from animal sources.
Usually, within a month- individuals lose 5 lbs and gain significant muscle. It’s not magic, it’s just basic common sense mixed with a little science.
For 99.9% of the population, this would work, however, there are some chronic disease processes (from years of eating poorly) where going vegan would be needed to ‘reset’ their body in hopes of removing all processed foods.
The Food Of The God’s
This is the creme de la creme. Pound for pound- protein is the most nutrient-dense macronutrient on the block.
This powerhouse packs a punch with varying amino acids and numerous essential elements.
I mean have you ever had a steak that tastes bad?
We are designed to eat protein and when we actually do, we thrive!
Our stomach has hydrochloric acid for that exact reason! We don’t have this highly intrinsic and methodical machine (our body) to just digest leaves and fruits.
By doing so, it actually decreases the amount of hydrochloric acid we produce and leads to heartburn and/or SIBO/SIFO if not treated!
We don’t have a hindgut, like cows and apes, that ferment and break down plants.
Our digestive track is made to propel food boluses through our intestines, extract the nutrients, and leave behind the unused waste products.
If you think of greek gods, do you think of burly men or shapely women that eat plants for their dinners?
Negative, ghost rider.
If it worked for our ancestors, why do we have to reinvent the wheel and eat foods we aren’t designed to eat?
It makes no sense to me.
I understand Big Food and Big Pharma play a role in this because it is all about making that dollar.
We have lost our way and are so used to things being hand-fed to us that we have become utterly useless if left to our own devices.
We rely on food delivery services, sit on our fat-filled jeans, and watch a screen until our brains ooze out of our ears.
No one knows basic life skills like changing a tire, fixing something that’s broken, hunting for your food, growing your own crops, or just exercise for God’s sake.
I know I just went on a rant/tangent, but dammit, it’s true! We are at the top of our food chain and we don’t act like it at all.
We need a swift kick in the rear to make things change in our lives. No one will willingly put in hard work unless something detrimental occurs and they are forced to.
It all comes back to creating generational wealth with knowledge that transcends throughout the ages.
Money comes and goes, but teaching your family how to eat foods will make your family tree grow exponentially.
What is more important to you?
Be strong. Be brave.