How Do YOU Define Exercise

Scott Braver
3 min readJun 13, 2020


Exercise is oftentimes used as an umbrella term to cover many different activities that can be classified as ‘exercise.’ Whether some people know it or not, there are many things we do daily that fall into that term. To set the record straight, however, let’s define what the term means first.

According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, exercise is “bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness.” Nowhere in that definition does it limit or define what bodily exertion is. This is GREAT news for individuals who don’t fit into that cookie-cutter mold of going to the gym because of stereotypes or preconceived notions.

Exercise shouldn’t be and can’t be limited. It is all around us! From playing your favorite sport to white water rafting a raging river! Exercise is freeing. It’s unifying. It’s primal. It’s communicable. It’s what makes us better ourselves.

Not only does it help strengthen our muscles, but it helps bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. That’s only the physical aspects. It goes far beneath the surface and helps with mental clarity, stabilizes moods, increases one’s sense of self-worth, and helps build confidence!

You see, exercise is not self-contained or restricting. It allows you to explore your interests and enhance your life experience while doing so. You enjoy kayaking every now and again? Great! That is exercise. It allows you to experience life, take in beautiful sceneries, increase your heart rate, engage your core, make your arms, back and shoulder muscles work a little bit harder and provide a sense of accomplishment once you reach your destination.

The same goes with biking, or running, or swimming, or playing soccer, or…. Do you see how it can just go on and on? Exercise does not solely mean to go to the gym, lift weights, and repeat. Exercise is what YOU make it and what is important to YOUR lifestyle. Any activity is a good activity and has soooo many more benefits than preconceived ideologies.

Get out there and find YOUR passion. Find what motivates YOU. Explore new challenges. Blow through your physical and mental barriers and conquer something you haven’t before. Remember, there is a whole life out there just waiting to be enjoyed. Do your part and meet it halfway.

No matter what your goal is, I can help you achieve it. I have done it all and then some. The most important step is the first one. “In order to find your path, you must begin walking.”

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Scott Braver
Scott Braver

Written by Scott Braver

Fascinated with bettering myself and others

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