Healing Chronic Kidney Disease
We all seem to know someone we care for that has something called chronic kidney disease.
That disease pattern can stem from a plethora of processes like; polycystic kidney disease, untreated hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, untreated rhabdomyolysis, heart disease, smoking, systemic lupus erythematous, and structural abnormalities.
It is generally a disease process that occurs in the older population due to the years of uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled dietary habits, and repeat offenses to the arterial walls.
Fret not. This is a disease process, that if caught early, can be EASILY managed and even reversed if the individual is invested in their healthcare.
Accepting Things Need To Change
Sitting in your provider’s office and looking across this big desk at someone with lots of education and experience can be intimidating.
Let alone, if that person is telling you about a life-altering disease process, you might not be in the right mindset to accept that statement.
Your adrenaline will be rushing, your heart beating faster, pupils constricted, a million thoughts running in your head, and then in a quick 5-minute visit with your provider you are left alone with a potentially debilitating disease process you never heard of until 5 minutes prior.
Next, you are getting shuttled to different resource centers, giving pamphlets on how to use insulin, setting up appointments on when to go to counseling for diabetes, researching chronic kidney disease, and finding out a million horror stories on Google.
First, take a breath.
We know the healthcare system is flawed and I am here to help you manage through the stress and have a better understanding of your new health concern.
The problem is that most providers are not vested in their patient’s success. You see, they get reimbursed through insurance companies and pharmaceuticals.
Healthcare is having a provider to help walk you through the process, understand the course of action, learn the potential negative side effects and long-term goals.
For example, for those with chronic kidney disease, how many times has a provider told you why you have this and the ways to fix it without medications?
Exactly my point. Zero.
What I need you to focus on is how you are going to have a partner in improving your health. Accepting lifestyle choices has led to these issues but realizing that lifestyle choices can also help heal your health concerns.
Lifestyle Interventions Always Win
I don’t care what provider you see, they need to give YOU the opportunity to fix what has occurred.
They should not be so quick to throw you on a medication that might cause ill side effects and create a downward cycle for your health.
One medication leads to the next. The next thing we know you have 10 different medications and are a walking zombie.
Let’s get back to square one and focus on what we put in our mouths. Let food be thy medicine.
Most providers will tell you to watch your carbs, stop eating sweets and start exercising.
This is the biggest pile of bullsh*t anyone can preach. Let me emphasize they preach because they do not live by what they practice.
If you want someone who knows the lifestyle, knows the science, and knows how to go against the grain, in the literal and figurative sense, then look no further.
It ALWAYS comes back to the same 5 things.
Avoid seed oils, gluten, corn, soy, and start ANY activity.
Let’s break these fellas down and understand WHY they lead to chronic kidney disease as a by-product of a more serious issue.
Seed Oils Are The Devil
Seed oils are also called linoleic acids or omega 6’s. These bad mamba jambas are the root of all evil.
They are in EVERY single pre-packaged food that we consume. They are heavily oxidized molecules that react to substances in our bodies and create free radicals. These free radicals wreak havoc on our insides and heavily damage the mitochondria of our cell, destabilize our cellular walls and pretty much have free reign within our body.
Next time you go pick up peanut butter and look at Jiffy’s ingredients you will see peanuts and palm oil.
There are several different types of oils out there and the ones we need to focus on to help our chronic kidney disease are as follows; Coconut, olive, avocado, ghee, and tallow.
What it comes down to, is that we have to eliminate ALL processed foods that contain little to no nutritional value.
They are empty carbs that trick our brain into feeling full for the moment because we just got this big bolus of food, however, once we digest it 45 minutes later our bodies realize they were duped!
As a result, it sends a signal to us letting us know that we are hungry again and the cycle repeats itself.
We need to eat real food that has nutritional density to it. We want our body full so it can digest, process, and utilize those nutrients to its fullest capacity.
Gluten Is The Devil’s Sister
Gluten is everything that is wheat. It is also everything that is evil in the world. Gluten is heavily processed, littered with pesticides and GMO’s.
If the seed oils weren’t bad enough, these bad boys are in everything from shampoo to potato chips.
When we eat a carb, our body needs to release insulin to help break down and use the sugar to fuel our body.
Unfortunately, the food source we just gave it is littered with crap. We know when we have sustained insulin levels to get rid of all the excess sugars we consume, our insulin becomes less effective.
Less effective insulin creates obesity which leads to a whole slew of metabolic and cardiovascular conditions that will lead to our demise.
Fret not. I am not saying that all carbs are bad, because that is simply not the truth. We want our carbohydrates as close to nature as possible.
That means focusing on rice, potatoes, and some fruits/veggies.
Fun fact, polycystic kidney disease is a condition that THRIVES off of glucose. There are several cysts that form in the kidney over a lifetime and those cysts grow due to glucose.
Do you know what else grows from glucose?
This is stuff your provider doesn’t tell you, and I can’t seem to figure out why?
This is science that has been HEAVILY studied and proven over and over again.
Why don’t we hear about this in the mainstream media?
Quite simply, it doesn’t make money for Big Food and Big Pharma.
Corn/Soy Are The Evil Stepsisters To The Devil
These guys are somewhat newcomers to the Devil’s family. They pack almost no nutritional content and are used as fillers in many food products.
Not to mention all the GMOs and pesticides that are used to keep the crop alive.
If you are at least somewhat environmentally consciences then you should also know the impact many heavily processed soy farms are having on fragile ecosystems like bees and birds.
Believe you me, the government does NOT have our best interest in mind.
They are in business to make business.
Also, look at the vegans and vegetarians who don’t eat meats at all and still have elevated blood sugar levels.
Fruits and veggies are still carbs and still impact our blood sugar levels.
Yeah, people will lose weight, but not in a healthy fashion, whatsoever.
Elevated blood sugars make us insulin resistant and fat!
High blood pressure, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, arthritis, asthma, hypothyroidism, cancers, depression, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, etc are all chronic disease processes that can be reversed, if not cured, by fixing what we put in our mouths.
If you couple all the above-mentioned steps into action- good things will come.
My Promise To You
We have a gentleman’s agreement that if you follow all of the recommendations that you WILL lose the unwanted weight.
You will create lean muscle mass.
You will lower your blood pressure.
You will reduce your cholesterol.
You will reduce the inflammation in your body.
You will reduce your arthritis symptoms.
You will improve your kidney function.
You will greatly reduce your cancer risk.
You will have a better quality of life.
You will have improved cognitive function.
You will have a better sex life.
You will have a properly functioning thyroid.
You will have a better gut microbiome.
You will be a happier person.
It really doesn’t sound like you have much to lose when you try my FREE medical advice.
In fact, I will save you hundreds of thousands of unnecessary prescription and medical bills.
Think about what all that extra money I am saving you can do!?
Heck, if we want to start eradicating all of the world’s chronic diseases we just need to watch what goes in our mouths!
I am not saying it will be easier, but nothing worthwhile ever is.
Be strong. Be brave.