5 Easy Things You Can Do NOW to Heal Your Stomach
Bloating? Diarrhea? Constipation? Oh my!
Yes, the dreaded poop talk! Hey- everyone poops and it's important to discuss what is normal and what isn't so we can get the help we need if there are red flags that pop up.
I suffer from something called intestinal permeability, or Leaky Gut, for short. I have been dealing with this condition for a little over 4 years now and have run the gambit of varying interventions to help alleviate my symptoms and improve my overall health. What I am about to share is not only anecdotal evidence but science-based as well!
First, the basics. Our intestines have a fine layer of mucus that coats and protects itself from food particles, viruses, and bacteria. If there is a break down in that mucosa, then particles that are supposed to stay in the intestines leak out into the surrounding areas and eventually into the bloodstream! It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that half-digested food isn't supposed to be circulating in our blood!
Those particles can lead to varying conditions that affect how we feel, how we absorb nutrients, the development of autoimmune conditions, and even has some mental health considerations. I don't mean to scare you, but you need to know how important this condition is and just how prevalent it is in our society.
- First thing first, get rid of the BIGGEST offender- GLUTEN. Gluten is like poison for your body and literally chews away at our protective digestive mucosa.
You may say, “I have eaten bread my entire life and it doesn't bother me.” Well, don't forget how amazing our body is at adapting to stressful environments. Our body's entire goal in life is to maintain homeostasis (normalcy). It will continue to do everything in its power to minimize any ill effects so we can continue to thrive. That doesn't give us a green light to drop nuclear bombs in our intestinal tract and hope for the best though! If you think gluten doesn't bother you, stop for one week then try eating gluten again. Your body will HATE you for giving it that poison again!
We need to give our body the nutrients and supplements it needs to optimization its cellular structure and work as efficiently as possible. Gluten/wheat is an absolute NO GO! Now, there are different variances of gluten and derivatives to be mindful of (like fructan), and I will certainly share that information with you soon!
2. The next step in repairing your gut health is eliminating soy from your diet. Why is soy so bad? Happy you asked. Soy contains estrogens, and certain estrogens within soy encourage cancer growth, thyroid dysfunction and may even impair fertility along with other hormonal imbalances. Not only that, but it is the next biggest offender besides gluten that can destroy your intestinal lining and expose you to a plethora of autoimmune ailments and allergy-related symptoms. You don't want soy to be an atomic bomb in your intestinal tract, right?!
3. Now this one may be more controversial than the previous two, however, it can make an improvement if you are still experiencing symptoms after the first two products have been eliminated. We have to understand that the milk we drink now, is MUCH different than the milk we used to drink 50 years ago. There is an insane amount of antibiotics, hormones, and sugar added to pasteurized milk that there is little to no benefit of consuming dairy.
Yes, I am aware that we need calcium to have healthy bones and teeth. We can most certainly get calcium from other nutrient-dense sources besides something that is highly refined and medicated into oblivion. Seeds, legumes, green leafy vegetables, and certain protein sources are just a few.
There are some camps out there that say specific aged cheeses are okay to consume, however, I do not agree and I have eliminated all dairy from my diet. Personally, my sinuses and asthma have SIGNIFICANTLY improved as my body is not constantly fighting an inward battle with my intolerance of dairy products. This might help you get off your allergy medications, if you are on one!
4. Butyrate and zinc carnosine are my two favorite go-to supplements that have a lot of science backing their effects. Butyrate is really effective in maintaining healthy gut flora as it is a short-chain fatty acid (easily broken down and readily available in the body). It is really important to utilize this in conjunction with zinc carnitine is this specific zinc helps restore the intestinal barrier function that was completely annihilated from eating gluten, soy, and dairy all of our lives!
Of course, with any new supplement- you should always speak with your health care provider and do your own due diligence of researching something that you are planning on putting inside your body.
5. Lastly, and of the utmost importance-EAT. REAL. FOOD. Plain and simple. Here is the secret formula to this one- if it has a nutrition label on it…DONT EAT IT! This will ensure you are buying your food fresh, free from preservatives that reduce the natural nutritional content of the food and allow you to live a long, healthy life where you feel good!
Who can argue with that logic???
Eat up!